Give a girl a sword...
The Schola Equestris podcast is hosted by Liz Scott. She is both a rider and a practitioner of martial arts, and has taught a variety of historical european martial arts (HEMA) classes internationally at symposia in the United States, Germany, Canada and the UK. Her favorite topics include armored combat, introducing mounted combat to the HEMAist, abrazare and Sports Medicine (health and safety) for the martial artist and equestrian athlete.
She is one of two historical fencing instructors at Forge Fencing in Durham, North Carolina, where she teaches historical martial arts of the Italian tradition to teen and adult students of all levels, and occasionally dabbles in some epee fencing.
Intermittently Liz competes in open and URG HEMA tournaments including longsword, armored combat, rapier and smallsword. She continues to train actively in the US and abroad in both classical dressage and historical martial arts.
Whether you are an equestrian wishing to connect with your horse in a different way, or an experienced swordsman (or woman!) dreaming of fighting on horseback, the goal of schola equestris is to bring historical horsemanship and mounted combat arts to life in a way that is historical yet accessible for all.

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If your heart lacks audacity, everything else is wanting;
Audacity and virtue: of such consists the art.
- Fiore de'i Liberi