The Mounted Combat and Historical Horsemanship Podcast

Interested in classical dressage, mounted combat, jousting or the history of horsemanship? Explore these topics and more with your host, Liz Scott, as she interviews historians, riders, and others who share an interest in the historical relationship between man and horse.
The "Horsey HEMA" Podcast

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What is this podcast about?
For hundreds of years we relied on horses for transportation, war, and sport. In the 16th and 17th century classical dressage masters like Pignatelli and Pluvinel brought the relationship between man and horse to new heights with alta scuola, yet prior to them also lived generations of skilled horses and horsemen who lived, fought, and in some cases died together on the battlefield. For knights like Dom Duarte (1391-1438) and John Hawkwood (1323-1394) mounted skills and horsemanship were just as essential as skill with a sword or lance. There is still much more for us to uncover regarding the medieval and renaissance world of man and horse.
It is the goal of Schola Equestris to promote the people, education, and research bringing nearly-forgotten equestrian knowledge back to life in the 21st century.

schola [Latin, noun]: A school; body of followers of a teacher or system; an ancient Roman association of persons (as military men) sharing a common interest or profession
equestris [Latin, adjective]: of, belonging to, or consisting of mounted knights
Liz Scott

Liz Scott has been riding horses since the age of 9 and swinging swords for nearly as long. She has explored a variety of martial traditions has spanned east to west, from lightsaber stage combat to aikido, wrestling to sport fencing, and many traditions within historical european martial arts (HEMA).
Liz specializes in teaching the system of Fiore dei Liberi, with particular emphasis on armored combat and abrazare. Combining the art of the sword with her love for classical dressage has led to Schola Equestris, through which she hopes to bring the joy of mounted combat and the art of arms to others.

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